
About Me

Please Check Out My About Me Page and My Blog!

I enjoy writing a wide variety of articles on the internet. My hope is to help you better and more efficiently and enjoyably experience life whether it by helping you to learn "How To" do something, reviewing new web sites, suggesting great films to watch, etc.

Here are some sites that I really enjoy writing for

HubPages  Man, Do I love Hubpages! They have a really professional looking layout and it is a great platform for reading and writing great articles.  Check out My Hubber Profile here.

Best Movie Reviews By TurtleDog  My movie review page here on Blogger. Find a flick you'll love, or love to hate :-)  Check it out here,

Sea Isle City Summer Shore  If you love the beach as much as I do, you'd write about your favorite place from time to time. Read about Sea Isle City, NJ here

She Told Me   She Told Me is an easy site to bookmark / backlink articles for more web traffic. If you want to write for them I'll shamelessly add my referral link here.  Be sure to read the terms and conditions. As of 8/29/11 they charge you for contributing backlinks. Make sure this site is right for you.

 Squidoo  Another cool site that is a lot like Hubpages.  Check out my posts on Squidoo here