

Improve Your Credit Score By Knowing Your Rating First - Free Report Site Reviewed

Before fixing bad credit or improving good credit it will be of great help to know your credit score first.  You credit score or credit rating can be found in a number of ways.  The most common way is when people go for some sort of load or mortgage and the loan officer looks up your scores.  This is typically done by the loan agency at no cost but it is also too late if you are seeing a bad credit score for the first time.

There are plenty of ways to pay to have your credit rating reported to you.  I don't recommend paying anyone to to this for you.  There is one site that will give you all three credit reports (each from a major credit rating agency) at no cost over the course of one year.  

I tried this site and it worked for me.  I wrote a review on this free credit report site and posted it on HubPages.  Check it out.  I linked it below

Learn Your Credit Scores For Free - Click Here

If you get a chance, please also check out some of my other TurtleDog articles and bookmarks. I'd appreciate it a great deal.  Good luck with your loans!

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