

How to Convert / Calculate Price per Gallon to Price per Pound

Converting cost per gallon to cost per pound can be tricky. Simply following these steps will get you there! Please read on to learn How to Convert / Calculate Price per Gallon to Price per Pound

Moderately Easy


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      I'll use a real life example from work. Let's say you are accustomed to paying by weight in pounds, but you are told that something costs $10.5150 per gallon. How much is that per pound? How would you do the conversion?
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      First, to starting converting, find out how many gallons ( gal ) is in the container you are buying. Let's say you are buying a 55 gallon drum. So 55 gallons
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      Then, calculate the total cost of the drum. Multiply 55 gallons by the price per gallon. So using the example above, multiply 55 x $10.515 = $578.325 per drum
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      Then find out how much the weight of liquid (or material) in the drum is. (note, you'll want the weight of the drum contents only. Don't factor in the weight of the drum itself). Say, just for our conversion example, the liquid inside your 55 gallon container weighs 182.85 pounds.
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      Then divide the cost per drum by the weight. Using the example above, Divide $578.325 by 182.85 lbs = $3.1628 dollars per pound ( lb )
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      There! You've converted cost per gallon into cost per pound! Thanks for reading my How to Convert / Calculate Price per Gallon to Price per Pound article

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