

How to Repair a Hole / Pothole in Concrete Floor

Repairing a damaged concrete surface

It seems that cracks and holes in concrete flooring are as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning. I wrote an article on fixing cracks but here's one on fixing holes. Please read on to learn how to Repair a Hole / Pothole in Concrete Floor

  • PVA building adhesive
  • Mortar trowel
  • Repair Mortar
  • Small Paint Brush
  • Broom or dust brush

Moderately Easy


    • 1
      When you find the hole, clean out loose debris and dust and take a small paint brush and apply white general purpose PVA building adhesive into the hole. This will help the repair mortar stick better
    • 2
      Put any debris you took out of the hole back into the hole. Then inspect the area around the hole. Are there any more pieces that were once in the hole still around?
    • 3
      If you have the pieces pick them up and put them in the hole. Don't put them in there as if you are putting a jig saw puzzle together. Put them loosely in the hole. If you can find the pieces, use any old gravel, concrete pieces or other hard filler that will not compress
    • 4
      Once you've filled the hole. Put some safety glasses on (safety first always! :-) and hit the filler with a hammer so that the filler is not sticking up over the top of the hole. Essentially, just pack it down a bit.
    • 5
      Take a brush or broom and brush away any dust or fragments laying around the outside of the hole (but keep your filler in the hole of course :-)
    • 6
      Take a small paint brush and apply white general purpose PVA building adhesive on to the top of the filler. This will help the repair mortar stick better
    • 7
      Following directions on the packaging, mix your quick setting repair mortar.
    • 8
      Using your trowel, fill the hole and cover the filler with the mortar. Then use the edge of the trowel to level it flat so that it is level with the rest of the floor.
    • 9
      Let it harden overnight. Then get a chair, a cold drink and sit by the hole and admire your work! :-)

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