

Angelo Cataldi 94 WIP Fails To Grill Christie on Superbowl Parking

Angelo Cataldi 94 WIP Fails To Grill Christie on Superbowl Parking....

 Kind of a sad that Angelo Cataldi,  sports DJ for 94 WIP , who enjoys complaining about everything never once asked what the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie could have done to prevent the transportation fiasco for people going to the Super Bowl this year.

I would have loved it if he got into this with the Governor as to why people can not travel privately to the Super Bowl.  More is written here on the topic of not being allowed to drive to Super Bowl

I get it, believe me.  Angelo Cataldi is all roar and no bite.  Most of his rants are done in fun and aren't meant to be particularly malicious, but, a more direct interview with Christie on why he hadn't combated the National Football League more on this would have made things more interesting. There are far too many restrictions on how people can get to the 2014 Super Bowl in NJ

After all, it wasn't as if I thought he would be interrogating the NJ governor on Bridgegate.... it's just a game Ang, c'mon, hit 'em on this. Challenge, question, prob, even just ask would have been nice.


Add Email Signature Outlook 2010

So you are working on Outlook and you want to set up your emails
so that your signature ( ie your name, job title etc ) automatically appears every time. This post shows you in a quick and easy way how to add your email signature so that your name, phone number, etc. appears on every email you send automatically.


Stop Loss of Service Verizon Wireless Voice Sound

OK, you have Verizon wireless cell phone service and you are loving (or not loving :  -) your smartphone which is able to speak to you, give you voice reminders and otherwise croon you via an audible voice that emits from the phone. 


How to Show Proof of Payment LA Fitness Membership for Insurance

I have Independence Blue Cross health insurance ( IBX ) and one of the documents they require so they can refund you money for your gym visits is a proof of payment form. If you use LA Fitness like I do You can simply ask the person working the counter at your local LA Fitness to print out proof payment..... HOWEVER ...... I find that they rarely know how to do this and typically either:

1) have to find someone who can 


2) ask you to try another time when they are not working when someone else (presumably better trained) can do this.  If you want force this issue, they can definitely do this as much as the clerk might not want to admit it :) 

Or.... you can simply print it out on line.... very easy to do... here are the steps. 

Log into your LA Fitness on line account (or register if you haven't signed up) 

Look for the Account Information link or equivalent 

Under account information you will see links for receipts , prepayment , etc.  you'll want to click on "Payment Information" 

When payment information appears look for the button "View Payment History" and click on it. 

(PS.... you might be tempted to click on 'receipts' .... let me save you a few seconds of time... don't click on this :) 

After clicking "View Payment History" you will see confirmation of payment (if you are all paid up of course), type of payment etc for the past 12 months.  I typically just print this page out. 

If you want to know what I do to get all the documents together for my health insurance fitness reward reimbursement, I can explain in more detail on my IBX gym reimbursement post here


Changed 2006 Honda Oil – How to Reset Oil Life on Dash

So you just got the oil changed in your 2006 Honda Civic LX but you noticed that the oil life gauge on the dashboard still shows that you need to change your oil.  If you get an oil change and the oil light indicator does not reset (plus you’ll see a maintenance wrench light icon appear on the dash as well) , do not fret.  The chances are that your mechanic really DID change the oil and the chances are that the oil life indicator display is working fine.


How Professional Football Teams in NFL Make the Playoffs

I love watching National Football League Football action.  When the playoffs come around I am usually riveted to the television to find out what teams made the playoffs and what teams just missed a playoff berth.