

How to Convert / Calculate US Gallons Gal to Liters L

Converting US Gallon to Liter Easy


Gallons Gal to Liters L .... how do we convert this? Believe me, it is not an intuitive formula that you would easily figure out. That said, this is pretty easy to do. Please read on to learn How to Convert / Calculate US Gallons Gal to Liters L



    • 1
      First, let's put things into perspective. A gallon is a larger measure of volume than a liter. A gallon is actually 3-4 times larger than a liter.
    • 2
      Determine how many gallons ( gal )you want to covert to liters L. Let's say, for example, you want to covert 1 gallon
    • 3
      Multiply the number of gallons by 3.78541178.
    • 4
      This will tell you that one gallon is equal to 3.78541178 Liters
    • 5
      If you wanted to convert, for another example, 10 gallons. Multiply 10 gallons by 3.78541178 and you'll see that 10 gallons gal = 37.8541178 liters L
    • 6
      I hope that helps! It's pretty simple. The hardest part is remembering the multiplier of 3.78541178. Thanks for reading my How To Convert / Calculate US Gallons Gal to Liters L

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