

Allow User to Delete on Staples Advantage Stapleslink

If you are given the rights to do so (typically your site admin that works within your company or your supervisor), you can modify a person’s profile on Staples Advantage (Stapleslink) so that they are given the rights to delete other user’s accounts.  

This is pretty easy to do if you are permitted to do so.  Here’s how:

Step 1

Go ahead and log into the Staples Advantage / StaplesLink website

Step 2

Find the “My Account” link around the top of your computer screen and position your cursor on it.

Step 3

You’ll see a bunch of options in a drop down menu, choose “Manage Users”

Step 4

Under the section “Search for a User Profile” find the name of the user you want to give deletion rights to.

I think it is easiest to search for their last name. In the choose “Last Name” in the “By Name or ID” section then go ahead and type their name in the field underneath.

Step 6

Click “Go” Button

Step 7

In the field to the right you’ll see “Edit Profiles”   Make sure the name of the person is in that field and then highlight it.  If their name is not appearing, they might not be set up on the account or you may have spelled the name wrong.

If you are not sure of the spelling, you can just type part of their name. You might get multiple results. If you do get more than one name, go ahead and highlight that name.

Step 8

Scroll down to the “User Administrator Roles” Section.  If you are not seeing this section, you might not have the rights to make these changes. If you are, keep reading.

Step 9

Here you have three choices.  Choose the one you want by clicking radio button

-Cannot create, modify or delete any users (select this and this person will not be able to make changes to others on this site)

-Can create, modify or delete only his or her own associates but cannot modify any of his or her own information (select this option and the person can delete that is assigned “associate’ under their account but they cannot modify their own info.  It is kind of like saying, yes the boss can change their employees but the boss can’t change his or her own info.)

-Can create, modify and delete all users. (Make changes to anyone)

Step 10

Choose either of the last two and will be able to delete profiles from Staples Advantage.  

Then click the “Save” button

Now that this user can delete another user, you'll need to explain to them just how to do it. Click Here to tell them how

That’s it!

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