

Add Page or Pages To WordPress Theme

Creating a static page in WordPress is pretty easy to do.  Once you create a new page though, it won't just automatically add itself into your WordPress website theme. It isn't the same as when you publish a new post and it is instantly available for you readers to see on your theme. Even when you publish the page it won't appear by default on your webpage / theme.  

There are a couple real easy steps you'll need to take to get your new static page or pages onto your theme to that viewers can see it.

Here are a few easy steps after you have created your page.

Step 1

Go to your control panel on WordPress

Step 2

Go to "Appearance" and "Themes"

Step 3

Find the theme you have installed under the manage themes tab  (actually you'll probably see your theme before you see the tab).   Click on "Widgets"

Step 4

Look in the "Available Widgets" section and find the one that says "Pages"

Got it?  OK, now click on the "Pages" widget and drag it out of the available widgets section and put it where you want in your theme (ie sidebar one, sidebar two, etc)

Step 5

Now if you look at your site you'll see your page. If you aren't seeing it, just refresh the screen and it should appear.

I hope that helps!



PSD Locked / Mail Machine - Maybe Server Phone Issue? Fix Here

Are you having trouble clearing a PSD locked message on your mail machine?  There is a solution to removing the PSD locked by clicking this link.

That solution does not work 100% of the time though and I'll admit, I'm just talking about my limited experience with this happening with one of our machines.

Every so many days an electronic postal audit automatically occurs where your machine and the server try to connect.  If they can not connect, then the postal audit can not complete and your machine gets locked.  I suspect this is for some sort of security reason but I'm not sure.

If the above link I gave you does not work, and I highly, highly, highly, suggest you try that first, the the next solution might fix your problem.

I'll warn you, this solution only works a very small percentage of the time and you'll need to contact your mail machine equipment provider / supplier first for some information but let's try it.

Each machine is different as well so this might not work for you step by step but should be close.

This solution to PSD locked presumes or suspects that your machine is connecting to a wrong number or a number connecting to a server that has changed.  It also presumes you are using a machine connected via analog phone line versus the more popular and probably better LAN connection.

So if you are daring, have an analog phone connection and you feel the number is wrong (I'll show you how to check that) keep reading.  Don't blame me if this doesn't work though its worth a try.  All advise here I emphasis you should check with your equipment provider first. I'm not a pro at this, I'm just experienced with this specific problem. Rest is at your own risk :-)

Step 1

Again, make sure you've tried the link I gave you above. If that doesn't work.....

Contact the manufacturer or supplier of your postal equipment. Find out what the proper server number (phone number) is that connects your equipment to the US Post office site.

Step 2

While on the phone with these guys, get the code you will need to do this process.  Heck, while you have them on the phone, make sure this whole process I'm giving you now sounds right to them. Each problem is unique and this only solves certain issues.

Step 3

When you get off the phone with them, hang up, then dial the number they give you. It should respond with a fax machine sound. If you aren't hearing this, there is something wrong with the number. Stop everything and call them back and tell them what you heard.

Step 4

Go to your mail machine / meter.  Press the "Menu" button

Step 5

Go into Supervisor mode (on my equipment this is #13)

Step 6

Enter code that they gave you on the phone

Step 7

Postal access press OK

Step 8

You'll have a choice between modem or LAN option. If you are using an analog phone line select modem option  (LAN is for Internet connection)

Step 9

When in the modem settings you should see the phone number the machine is trying to connect to. Couple thoughts on this

a) Try calling it on a phone for the heck of it to see if it is responding with that "fax" sound. If so, the line is good.  If it is the same number the supplier gave you, there is nothing to change. This troubleshooting method won't work.

If it is different......

b) Go ahead and overwrite this number and make it the new number for the equipment

Enter the number and try again. You might need to unlock the equipment using the link I provided above or just start it up and go.

Again.... this won't work for everyone. It is for a very specific problem. Ultimately it is up to you to try this or not.  Just remember what you did or else you'll risk a service call which can be costly if the tech has to sit there an determine what you did the equipment.

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Fix Android Phone Showing Different Times After Daylight Savings

I woke up on day to find that my Android powered cell phone was showing two different times.  Each time shown on the clocks on my phone was exactly one hour apart.  Why where there two different times on my phone and how do I fix this?

Well, I figured out why the times did not match up on my Android wireless phone (LG Lucid cell phone to be exact).  I forgot all about daylight savings time.  This happened during the fall (ie fall behind ) when the clocks rolled back one hour in certain states / time zones. 

So I know that whole fall behind-thing was suspect (and my guess is that the spring ahead change could cause my phone's clocks to not be in sync as well) so how do I fix it.  How do I adjust the time on my phone so that they both read the same time?  After all, isn't the phone network (Verizon in my case) supposed to do this for me?

The answer is easy enough. To fix this you will want to restart your cell phone.  You won't have to completely power down your cell phone, just a simple restart will do it.  Either way though, it will fix the time so that all your clocks read the same times.

If you have an LG Lucid and you are not sure how to restart, I wrote and article that will teach you how to do this. Here's the link:

Click Here to Learn How to Restart Lucid

Well, I hope that helps you to fix your Android phone showing different times.