

How to Create a New Line Without Bullet in Microsoft Word Office

Add line after bulletted text without adding another bullet

How to Create a New Line Without Bullet in Microsoft Word / Officethumbnail
Create a New Line Without Bullet in Microsoft Word / Office

Hi! Using bullets in Microsoft word is great until you want to add a new line or line break WITHOUT bullets. Read on to learn how to Create a New Line Without Bullet in Microsoft Word / Office



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      First, let's start by briefly describing how to activate bullets.....
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      Open Microsoft word
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      At top of page click on FORMAT
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      In drop down window that appears, click on BULLETS AND NUMBERING
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      Now you have bullets activated meaning that each new line you type will begin with a bullet (aka a symbol to left of line will appear that is meant to emphasize that line)
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      Now, what if you want to squeeze in a line without a bullet? Simply press SHIFT+ENTER.
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      You'll notice that your cursor automatically creates a new line, without a bullet.
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      Hope that helps. Thanks for reading my How to Create a New Line Without Bullet in Microsoft Word / Office article

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