

Update Edit Ebay / Pay Pal Credit Card Info

Eventually you might need to edit your credit card information on PayPal due to expiration or change of card. You might also need to edit your primary or secondary funding source.

Changing your PayPal credit card via the Ebay website (which eventually redirects to PayPal) can be done by following the instructions below.  Keep in mind that this method is not for changing how you pay your Ebay seller account if you sell stuff on Ebay. That is detailed in another article.  This article is to help you edit your PayPal / Ebay buyer account credit card and/or primary payment information.

Try this:

1. When you log in go to MY EBAY
2. Then click on the ACCOUNT tab. The account tab is located between your ‘messages’ tab and your ‘applications’ tab.
3. Now look to the left side of the and click on “seller account” which is in the menu to the very left of the screen
4. Page down a bit and look for a section titled “Your PayPal Account Information. Don’t click on the ‘Payment Method for Seller Fees” section above this, look for “Your PayPal Account Information”
5. Did you find this section? If yes, Click “Update Profile Summary” which is located below “Automatic payment method”
7. Click Update Profile
8. Log into Pay Pal
9. Now you’ll be in the My Profile screen (if you aren’t go to my account tab – profile )
10. Click My Money on the left side of the screen
11. All your bank account and credit card information should appear. Go ahead and edit your credit card by clicking “update” then “edit”
11. Choose your preferred funding source radio button
12. Click Edit Available Funding Sources
13. Go ahead and edit and then save the information
I hope that helps.  Be sure to check out some of my other TurtleDog Posts

How to Communicate Better On Ebay

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