Get Lotus Notes EMail Notification to Pop Up When you receive New Mail
Hi! If you want your PC to give you an alert every time you get email on Lotus Notes, it's real easy. Please read on to learn How to Get Lotus Notes EMail Notification to Pop Up When you Receive New Mail
Go to FILE in the upper left corner of your computer screen
Select PREFERENCES in the drop down box that appears on your PC. (it's about 3/4 the way down)
Click USER PREFERENCES in the box that appears to the side of preferences
A window will appear about the center of your computer monitor, click on MAIL (on left side of this window)
Then choose GENERAL
Then look toward bottom of window at WHEN NEW MAIL ARRIVES....
Check the box that says SHOW A POP UP
That's it! Now you'll get a pop up whenever you get email. Thanks for Reading my How to Get Lotus Notes Email Notification to Pop Up When you receive New Mail
It is often said that the vast majority of workplace accidents are the fault of an employee and not equipment failure. Here are a few examples of how to prevent personal injury accidents at work.
Keep focused at all times. Mental distractions are a big cause of all accidents both at work and home. Often the pressures of home catch up with us at work. Try to resolve them before work. If that isn't possible make every effort to focus in spite of it. If that doesn't work, and your employer is understanding, discuss it with your boss. Maybe work can help
Leave arrogance at the door. Don't for a minute think an accident won't happen to you. Going through the day with a 'nothing can touch me' attitude can lead you ignore procedures, safety precautions and those around you. Disregarding your own safety puts everyone at risk.
Take your time! Understandably, we all face time constraints at work. After all, we are getting paid for our time. That said, don't rush your work or take unsafe shortcuts in order to complete your job. No shortcut is worth taking if you or someone else gets hurt. Once there is an injury you've lost all the time you've made up, plus a whole lot more!
Follow all safety procedures... this goes without saying.... but I've said it anyway :-)
Pre-Plan your work! This one is very overlooked especially when doing jobs we are familiar with. Preplanning helps you spot potential safety problems and will help you work more efficiently. The more efficient you work, the less you'll feel the need to rush, the safer you'll be.
Hopefully this article has shown you Prevent Personal Injury Accidents at Work. Please stay healthy so you can read more blog posts! We love having you around!
Metronomes have been used by musicians for hundreds of years. They are an essential, impartial time keeper for any serious musician looking to hone their sense of time. Read on to learn how to use a free metronome on line
Metronomes range in price considerably. Most simple electronic versions are very inexpensive and can be purchased for under twenty dollars.
If you are a new musician trying to save some cash or a seasoned musician who finds yourself without one, there are metronomes on the internet that you can use right from your computer.
Try searching the net for your favorite site. Personally, I go to . There's no sign up to use the metronome, you don't have to do any risky downloads, and it's free. No strings attached.
Just go to that site.....
The metronome appears right away....
Adjust to your preferred beats per minute. Then below that...
Adjust to your preferred beats per cycle. Then below that....
Select what beats you want your accent on..
Then click start and the metronome will start using your desired settings.
You can even link to your desired settings. Give it a try. I use it when I'm sitting at my desk and don't feel like fumbling around finding my own .... yeah, I know that sounds lazy, but time is everything :-)
Remove Jammed Lug Nut Bolts that Won't Unscrew during Tire Change
Nothing is worse than have to change your tire unexpectedly. Even more horrible, is when the bolts won't come off no matter how hard you pry. Read on to learn how to Remove Difficult Jammed Lug Nut Bolts that Won't Unscrew during Tire Change
Of course, the first thing you can do is try harder. Put all of your might into that rusty old lug wrench and hope those lug Nuts come right off of that tire
If that isn't working for you, either find or purchase a steel pipe. Be sure it is about 2 feet long. Longer wouldn't hurt either. We'll use this to again a little leverage on this pesky automobile tire of yours
While keeping your lug wrench on the tire lug bolts, slide the pipe over the end of the wrench.
The purpose of doing this is so you increase the size of the 'lever' or gain leverage on the nut / bolt. Essentially, you want to extend the length of your lug wrench by putting a longer pipe on the end of it.
Then try unscrewing. Adding a mere foot or two of leverage adds a lot of power to the wrench. Be sure to keep the pipe in your car's trunk for use during your next flat tire.
I might be the worst mechanic on the planet. Seriously, there are petunias more mechanical than me. That said, I can do some real basic stuff. If I can do it, you can do it. Read on to learn how to install a car headlight bulb .
things you'll need:
New headlight bulb that is designed for your car.
Before you rely entirely on my article, keep in mind that I own a 1995 Honda civic and replaced the headlight bulb in that car. Read ahead, if your car is similar, this article is right for you
Go to any auto parts store headlight section. There will be a catalog in the aisle. You'll need to know the make, model and year of your car. Look up make model and year of your car in the catalog to determine the correct headlight. The catalog will reference a part number for the correct headlight for your car.
That same part number will be written on the packaging of the headlight. Find the headlight with that number. If you aren't sure, just ask the clerk at the store to find it for you.
Go home, turn off the car, open your hood. Find the back of the headlight you need to fix. Note there is a plug in the back of the light. This is what connects the power to the headlight.
Grab the plug firmly and pull it out
There will be some rubber insulation in the vicinity of where you just pulled the plug out of. Pull back insulation. You'll see bottom of old headlight bulb.
There is a clip that holds in the bulb. The clip should just be 'hooked' in. Just unhook it so that it swings out (you won't have to remove it completely). Then remove the bulb.
When you open the package that holds the new bulb. Try not to touch the 'bulb' section of the bulb. Hold it by the base. I'm told certain car headlight bulbs lose life if they come in contact with oils from your hand.
Holding the bulb by the base, install the bulb and reverse the process above. Start the car and see if it works OK. Then you are all set.
At some point in life, everyone will require an attorney. Unfortunately the day may come where you do not agree with the fees you've paid or billed for. Read on to learn How To Dispute / Recover Attorney Legal Fees from Lawyer
The first step I'd suggest is to think about your position in this argument. Be sure that your complaint relates to the actual fees you are charged. Some people dispute fees simply because they did not like their lawyer or the trial outcome. This may not be a good enough reason for someone to hear your complaint
Write down why you think your fees are excessive. Prepare an intelligent to the point statement that you can give either verbally or in written form.
Locate all records of lawyer fees you are charged as well as records of the legal fees you've paid. Gather all bills you've received and any proof of payment (returned checks, receipts, etc) you've already made. Also gather any proof you have of actual consultation and hearing time.
Review these records and determine which one's you should not be paying.
Contact your attorney and try to work things out. It is always best to come to a cordial agreement rather than go to a hearing. If this doesn't work...
Contact the local bar association that falls in the jurisdiction of your disputed fees. Most cities and counties have local attorney bar associations. If you live in Philadelphia, for example, look up the Philadelphia bar association
Explain that you'd like to dispute your fees and then follow the procedures they give you. Each state, city and county differs in the process so pay close attention to the details they give you.
In most cases the bar association will either recommend mediation or arbitration. In either case a neutral party or parties will listen to your lawyer explain why he or she thinks the attorney fees are fair and why you think they aren't.
Determine if the recommended course of action is right for you. Also understand if the decision regarding recovery of your legal fees is non binding or binding.
I hope that helps. The most important step in this process is to contact the bar association and follow their recommendation.
At your hearing, present your evidence and state your case intelligently. Don't get mad or emotional. Be to the point and be sure your argument relates directly to your dispute. The mediator or arbitration panel will have little patience if you waste their time.
Find Email on Lotus Notes Mail Using Keyword Search
Ever frustrated when you can't locate an email on your computer? You know you have it, but you can not remember the sender or the date is was mailed or ?? Try searching your mail using a keyword or word you know is contained in the mail. Read on to learn How To Find Email on Lotus Notes Mail Using Keyword Search
First, open Lotus Notes so that the proper email window shows on yourcomputer monitor . For example, if you know the missing mail is in your INBOX, be sure your inbox is opened.
Next, you can do a couple things and get the same result. Click on VIEW at the top of the screen (next to Edit), or click on the magnifying glass icon in your tool bar.
If you click on VIEW a drop down box appears at the top of your Lotus Notes mail screen. Then select SEARCH THIS VIEW. If you hit the magnifying glass instead, just skip to the next step
A SEARCH FOR box appears. Type the keyword information or keywords you think are contained in the email. If you are searching for a business related accounting document you might select the name of your accountant or an accounting related term.
Click the SEARCH button. It may take a while for your computer and Lotus to think.....
Eventually, every email will appear that contains the words you entered in the search box. Scroll through the emails until you find the one you are looking for.
Hope that helps. Thanks for reading my How To Find Email on Lotus Notes Using Keyword Mail Search
There are a number of problems you can have with your automobile bumper trim. One case is where one end of the front trim detail is falling or sagging down. Here's the ultimate simple way to repair it and will save you money on auto body repair. Read on to learn How to Fix Car Bumper Trim a Cheap Easy Lazy Repair
First, take your hand and press the trim of your car's bumper back up into the bottom of the bumper so it is no longer falling or sagging down
Then observe how the trim detail and automobile bumper fit together. In this case, the trim completely tore from the bolt holding it to the bumper / fender. It tore out so badly, I am not able to bolt it back on to the car bumper. That won't stop us here though.... we want to do some cheap or even free auto body repair here
Ultimately, we are going to clamp it back together. If you look closely along the wheel well, closest to the pavement, you can see the detail trim fits snug against the bumper as shown. This area I am pinching is the area we will clamp
Now for the secret ingredient. Grab yourself some heavy duty stationary clips. If you have something else you can substitute at home, great, but these are good because they are small and pinch real hard. If you have a variety of sizes, grab a few sizes and go outside to your automobile
Pick out the right size and then clip it on the car as shown. Keep the clip handles in toward the inside-underside of the car .
There! You've fixed your car bumper without the need for expensive parts or an automotive body shop repair. This won't necessarily be the right fix for everyone, but it's a start. Thanks for reading my How To Fix Car Bumper Trim a Cheap Easy Lazy Repair
Password Protect Computer Files Microsoft Office Word
Password protectingfiles is a good way to keep shared data from being accidentally changed. It also is an important security consideration. Please read on to learn how to Password Protect Computer Files Microsoft Office Word
Open the file on yourpersonalcomputer that you wish to password protect. For this article, we'll focus on a file from Microsoft Office word.
From the top of the screen, select TOOLS/OPTIONS.
Then select the SECURITY TAB located in the top section of the 'Options' window that appears on your computer screen.
You'll see a 'password to open' field. You must fill this field in with a password you select. This will be the password that allows you to open the Microsoft Word file on your computer.
Once you enter the password it will ask you to reenter it. BIG word of caution... if you lose your password it can not be recovered. So write it down in a safe, secure place.
The 'password to modify' field is optional. It is up to you if you want to fill in this field.
Your file now has a password and is protected. You can feel more confident now, especially if putting it on removable media.
If you are like the rest of us, when it comes to kitchen grease you probably fall into one of these categories : 1) You dump it down the drain or 2) You throw it in the trash. The latter is the right way but read on for the most efficient way on how to get rid of kitchen grease.
You'll Need:
Small metal can
Lid for the metal can or even a small plastic bag that you get at the store will work.
Hi! Ok, the last thing you want to do is dump the grease down the drain. Why? Because grease tends to solidify and harden and will block up your household drains and possibly your sewage. Believe me, you don't want that to happen (yuck and peee- u )
Find yourself a metal can or glass jar. A peanut jar, beer can, soup can, pretty much anything you can get from the recycle bin
When you cook something real greasy or fatty like bacon, a lot of liquid fat will build up in the bottom of the pan. It is most pourable when still hot, so while hot, carefully pour the contents into the metal or glass can/jar you found. Don't use a paper or cardboard jar or you'll face an Exxon Valdez-esque disaster. Plus you may get burned so be careful.
Consider putting a paper towel or old newspaper under the can/jar when you pour in case some oil misses. If you have a lid, cover the can/jar with the lid.
If you don't have a lid, don't worry. You don't need it. What I do after the grease cools a bit is, believe it or not, put it into the freezer. I find that the grease hardens faster and more reliably this way. Keep reading :-) ....
Once it gets hard, it won't spill as much when you put it into the trash without a lid. Nor will it spill as much if you use a glass jar and it breaks in the bag.
Since grease is hard, it will less likely find any holes or tears in the bag and make a mess by leaking into your trash can or onto your floor.
If you insist on having a lid, but don't have one, you are still in luck. Wait until the oil cools. Take a ball of old newspaper and pack it into the top of the jar. The newspaper will help absorb some of the oil that spills. ALSO, take a small plastic bag (I use plastic grocery bags) and put the jar into the bag and tie tightly. Double bag if it makes you feel better.
Then put grease into the trash. Your home's plumbing is saved and that unsightly grease is out of the way
Whether you've tried to talk yourself out of a speeding ticket, tried to convince the kids to do something, or bought a new car, we've all negotiated. Want to do it better? Read on to learn how to use negotiation tactics to negotiate well . I'm a professional buyer and see these tactics all the time....
Moderately Easy
Anytime you negotiate, either consciously or subconsciously there are tactics either you use or your opponent uses. Here are some to look out for ....
The 'Higher Authority'.... Negotiators use this as a way 'out' if they hear something they don't like. You may have used it yourself such as, "I have to check with my wife first." Or "My boss will need to approve this." etc... Often authority doesn't exist. Remember this. Keep negotiating as though this person is the higher authority.
'It's Carved in Stone'... Often you'll find you are negotiating against conditions that are already written down. It might be words on a contract or a sign in the store. Whatever it is, it is written down to make you think it is not negotiable. It IS negotiable. Negotiate everything that is written down. NOTHING is carved in stone.
'The Temper Tantrum' This is when a negotiator visibly gets mad or excited or cries or whines or jumps up and down.... This is done to intimidate the opponent so that they agree to simply to get rid of the 'crazy guy'. Don't use this tactic too much, you'll begin to numb the effect. If it is used against you, remember that it might just be an act. Stick to the facts of the negotiation and ignore it.
'Wince!' This is a classic, time tested negotiating tactic both written about and practiced worldwide. If something doesn't sound right, try wincing or giving a disgusted look. Don't confuse this with the 'Temper Tantrum'. Just give a subtle but visible wince. It works. If it is done against you, counter it with silence and see what the 'wincer' has to say. Don't give in yet.
"The Quiet Treatment" I love employing this tactic. Very often if you don't like what you are hearing, instead of instinctively cutting your opponent off, stay quiet! They'll often instinctively keep talking. Keep listening! An opponent given the silent treatment will contradict themselves or give you critical information that supports YOUR position. Better yet, sometimes they give in a little and give you what you want. If you find yourself getting the silent treatment, just repeat what you said. Another way to counter the silent treatment is to stop and ask, "What do you think?" Then stay quiet yourself.
'Good Cop, Bad Cop' This is where you have someone else in the room on your side. One of you acts more forcefully or antagonistic toward your opponent, while the other acts more like a peacemaker. If played properly, your opponent has to spend considerable mental resources appeasing both 'cops' and not enough on strengthening position. Keep this in mind in case it is ever tried on you. Ignore it and stick to details are important to you.
Thanks for reading ' How to Use Negotiation Tactics to Negotiate Well ' I truly hope that this article helps you in some way. Thanks so much for reading!
This is a real easy, basic, free meditative exercise to help you reduce stress and anxiety whether at work or at home. Read on to learn how to Meditate Using Imagery to Reduce Stress Easy
OK! Let's relieve some of that stress and anxiety! First lay down in a comfortable position. Get yourself cozy. You can do this sitting up if you'd like, but be sure you can relax all your muscles.
Think of something that you really like to do. Keep in mind if this something is causing you stress, eh, think of something ELSE you really like to do.
If you love hiking, for example, think of yourself alone on a peaceful wooded trail. You should instantly feel less anxiety and stressed
Then, put as much pleasurable detail into this meditative process as possible. Start with a nice visual feel. What does the image look like? Is the weather beautiful. Incorporate your favorite images.
Then, try to fill all your senses with such wonderful imagery. Think of how things smell. Using the hiking example above, can you smell the warm breeze of summer, the crisp leaves of fall, the clean air of winter?
What do you hear? Your favorite bird call? What kind of bird is it? Is there a nearby stream running water? Keep using these images in your meditative process and you'll feel less stressed.
Try incorporating breathing techniques as well (I have an article on that too as well as do other Ehow authors). Your career stress or home anxieties should melt away :)
I hope that helps you with your stress management. Stress is tough but managing it using these techniques can be fun. Thanks for reading my How to Meditate Using Imagery to Reduce Stress Easy article !
Ever have trouble translating measurements for butter? Ever wonder how much is a tablespoon of butter or how much is an ounce? Read on to learn how to Measure butter for cooking recipes .
things you'll need:
This ehow :-)
Stick or sticks of butter
Your favorite recipe
Measuring spoon
kitchen scale and wax paper (optional)
Suggest Edits
Butter.... ahhh... the all important ingredient in so many recipes. You've got to love it, but not too much or too little or you'll throw your recipe out of whack, here are the essentials....
Use a measuring spoon or if you have a kitchen scale you can lay wax paper on it and measure that way. Another way is to 'eyeball' the amount and just take the portion of the butter stick necessary by eye... see below...
1 tablespoon of butter = 1/8 of a stick = 1/2 of one ounce
2 tablespoons of butter = one ounce or 1/4 of a stick
4 tablespoons of butter = two ounces or 1/2 cup = 1/2 of a stick
32 tablespoons butter (yeah, this would be a workout if you used the measuring spoon, instead use..) 4 WHOLE sticks = 16 ounces = 1 pound = 1 full cup .
Hope that helps! I really hope you enjoyed my article on how to Measure Butter for Cooking Recipes
Seal / Store Coffee Grinds and Beans for Best Cup Ever
Hi! Storing your favorite coffee grinds and beans properly is easy to do but we often get it wrong. Most of us drink coffee or espresso or some sort of caffeinated java. Sealing and storing beans will insure best cup of coffee. Please read on to learn How to Store Coffee Grinds and Beans for Best Cup Ever
First, keep in mind that the best coffeebeans or grinds to buy in terms of storage quality is coffee sold in a sealed air tight bag similar to the one shown in this Ehow.
Coffee loses it's freshness as it comes in contact with oxygen. When you reseal the bag, first completely flatten it from tight against the top of the beans all the way to the opening of the bag. Get as much air out as possible! Flatten it as you would if you were flattening a roll of toothpaste.
Then, continuing our quest for the best brew of coffee ever :-), roll the bag down tight, real tight, until it is pressed against the coffee beans or coffee grinds (or espresso beans or espresso grinds if that was your choice)
Remember, as little air as possible. Sealed down properly your bag of coffee / espresso beans or grinds will look like this. This is well sealed
Next, but very important ... here's where everyone goes wrong .... Do NOT put the coffee in your refrigerator or freezer. You do NOT want to refrigerate or freeze it. Why? If your bag is not sealed tight, the cold gets on the beans and they lose freshness way faster than room temperature
Why? If your bag is not sealed tight, the cold gets on the beans and they lose freshness way faster than room temperature. If exposed your won't get the best cupofcoffee ever :-)
Finally, put your bag of coffee in one of your kitchen cabinets. This will allow for optimal storage. Thanks for reading my How to Seal / Store Coffee Grinds and Beans for Best Cup Ever