

How to Calculate Earned Run Average / ERA in Baseball

How to Calculate Earned Run Average / ERA in Baseballthumbnail
Calculate Earned Run Average / ERA in Baseball

In baseball, the skill of a pitcher is measured by the pitcher's earned run average or ERA. Calculating this is easy. Please read on to learn how to Calculate Earned Run Average / ERA in Baseball



    • 1
      The first step to doing this is understanding that an Earned run average in baseball or ERA is calculated by taking the amount of 'earned' runs times nine and dividing this figure by the total number of innings pitched.
    • 2
      Next, you'll need to know that an 'earned' run is when a baseball player scores without the benefit of an error.
    • 3
      Determine how many times the opposing teams scored (without the benefit of an error) while that pitcher was pitching.
    • 4
      Then multiply that how many times the opposing teams scored by 9. For example if the opposing teams scored 10 runs against that pitcher, multiply 10 x 9 = 90. 90 would be the amount of "earned" runs times nine. Remember, don't count the ones scored on errors.
    • 5
      Determine how many innings of baseball the pitcher has actually pitched over the course of the season. If he pitched 9 games, 5 innings per game, he pitched 45 innings for example.
    • 6
      Then, understand that earned run average in baseball or ERA is calculated by taking the amount of earned runs times nine and dividing this figure by the total number of innings pitched.
    • 7
      Finally, to sum up using the above examples, if our baseball pitcher pitched fifty innings and gave up 10 runs x 9 (90) during 45 innings of play, you would divide 90 by 45 = 2.00. 2.00 would be the pitchers Earned Run Average or ERA

How to Stop Large and Larger Words from Printing on Lotus Notes Emails

Text keeps getting bigger on Lotus. What to do.

How to Stop Large and Larger Words from Printing on Lotus Notes Emailsthumbnail
Stop Large and Larger Words from Printing on Lotus Notes Emails
If you use Lotus Notes enough, someday when you print an email chain, you may find that the letters get larger and larger for every page that prints. This is an odd but easy to correct problem. Read on to learn How to Stop Large and Larger Words from Printing on Lotus Notes Emails

Note I recently updated this for Lotus 8.5.  If you are using a previous version you can find instructions below as well. You'll see what I mean :-) keep reading ....



    • 1

    • For version 8.5 Click "File" at the top left of screen.
    • For Previous Versions....
      When in Lotus Notes inbox, look for the office button at the bottom of your PC screen.
    • 2
    • For 8.5  A drop down Menu will appear
    • For Previous Versions...
      Click on this button and a drop down box (actually a drop 'up' box) will appear on your computer screen.
    • 3
    • For 8.5 Click "Preferences"
    • For Previous Versions....
      Click EDIT CURRENT in the drop up box
    • 4
    • For 8.5 A window will appear then click the "Edit" button

    • Then For ALL Versions (continue this step and the following steps no  matter which version you have)
      A bunch of tabs will appear at the top of the page that appears on your computer. Click the MAIL tab
    • 5
      Look for FORMAT MESSAGES ADDRESSED TO INTERNET ADDRESSES. To the right of this click the arrow so that the drop down box appears on your PC screen
    • 6
      Select the MIME FORMAT
    • 7
      Click the SAVE AND CLOSE button at the top.
    • 8
      This should restore the proper, uniform letter size when you printing Lotus Notes emails. This should also save you time and paper every time you hit the print button when you are working Lotus Notes from your personal computer.
    • 9
      Thanks for reading my How to Stop Large and Larger Words from Printing on Lotus Notes Emails

How to Determine Money / Profit You Can Make Selling Video Games Online

Formula to Determine How Much in Profits you Make on

How to Determine Money / Profit You Can Make Selling Video Games Online Half.comthumbnail
Determine Money / Profit You Can Make Selling Video Games Online is a very affordable way to list video games for sale. Before going through the effort of listing and selling to a bargain savvy gamer, be sure that your game sale can actually result in a profit.



    • 1
      Determine the price that you wish to sell the video game for. You can do this based on the price that recommends or come up with your own price
    • 2
      Determine what the video game originally cost you, if anything.
    • 3
      Determine what the book originally cost you, if anything.
    • 4
      Determine the cost of any of your packaging supplies (any bubble wrap, boxes or padded envelopes you bought for example)
    • 5
      Next, please understand that will compensate you for shipping but it is only a fixed amount. For example, as of 9/28/09 the amount they will compensate (reimburse) you $2.89 for media mail and $5.20 for expedited shipping method (basically anything other than media mail).
    • 6
      Next, understand that for items selling .75-$50.00 , will charge you $15%. For items $50.01 - 100 they'll charge 12.5%. So, in other words, if you sell something for $100, will take $12.50 out of your earnings. Simply put, this is the very legitimate and honest way they make money.
    • 7
      Determine your actual shipping cost. Do this by simply by weighing the video game and everything you are going to pack it in. Make sure all the packing materials are on the scale so you can read total weight. Check the weight and then consult the US postal service website shipping calculator for media mail and other expedited mail pricing. Don't be surprised if YOUR cost to ship the book exceeds the reimbursement amount. It happens all the time for me (I tend to over protect my products :-). Try to pack as efficiently as possible without comprising the protection of your product.
    • 8
      Next, before even listing your video game, plug these figures into a formula to be sure you'll actually make money if it sells. The most depressing feeling is going through all the trouble of selling something and find out you've not make a profit. Use this formula: List Price of Video Game - Commission of 15% + shipping compensation reimbursement - amount it cost you to ship - what the book cost you-what your packaging supplies cost = profit (or loss)
    • 9
      Use this as an example: Say you were given a video game as a gift. You determine that you'd like to sell it for $2.00 on You've already determined that it will cost you $2.77 to ship media mail.You have old packaging supplies that you found for free. If your video game sells, here's what your profit will look like....
    • 10
      $2.00 (Your list price for the game) - .30 ( Commission of 15%) + $2.64 ( shipping compensation reimbursement to you) - $2.77 (actual amount it cost you to ship) - $0 (what the video game cost you) - $0 (cost of packaging) = $1.57 profit

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How to Exclude Keywords On Google Internet Search Engine

Keep certain words out when searching Google.

How to Exclude Keywords On Google Internet Search Enginethumbnail
Exclude Keywords On Google Internet Search Engine

Finding information on Google is easy enough but sometimes you get too much information and just simply want to cry :-) To limit this, you'll need to learn to exclude keywords on Google Internet Search



Things You'll Need

  • Internet Connection
    • 1
      Ensure you are using a Google search engine. To ensure this, go to
    • 2
      When you type words (Keywords) into your browser, Google may add words that you don't want. For instance if you are looking for information on virus you might not want Google to respond with a million hits on software virus. Maybe you simply want 'Virus'
    • 3
      When you type a word you DONT want a minus - sign should appear immediately before the word, with a space before it.
    • 4
      For example, the word anti-Semitic has a hyphen between it with no space, therefore Google WILL include semitic. However if you were to type anti -semitic, Google will show only 'anti' results and no 'semitic' results.
    • 5
      You can exclude as many words as you want by using the - sign before the word. Just remember to leave a space to the left of the - . For example Jaguar -cars -football would exclude cars and football from the search.
    • 6
      Thanks for reading my How to Exclude Keywords On Google Internet Search Engine . I hope it helps

      More Posts By TurtleDog :-)

      Get MS Word To Put Date on Your Documents For You Easy

      How to Lock Your Desktop Computer For More IT Security

How to Find a Word or Phrase in an Email on Lotus Notes Mail Easy

Finding specific keywords or sentences on lotus notes email

How to Find a Word or Phrase in an Email on Lotus Notes Mail Easythumbnail
Find a Word or Phrase in an Email on Lotus Notes Mail Easy

Hi! There is a real easy way to search for a name , word , or phrase in an email. Instead of re-reading the mail over and over again to find the pesky word, just let Lotus Notes do the work for you. Read on to learn How to Find a Word or Phrase in an Email on Lotus Notes Mail Easy




How to Pick a Supermarket Avocado

Select the right Avocado in store produce section

Avocados are a wonderful almost meaty flavored fruit with a gorgeous massive seed inside. Read on how to pick a supermarket avocado



    • 1
      There are two varieties of avocados. Basically one variety is larger, with thinner skin, smooth and green. The other variety (called the Haas and commonly found in the USA) is much more rough on the outside, smaller and black in color. Both taste the same.
    • 2
      Look for a soft but not mushy avocado.
    • 3
      Look for an avocado that lacks visible cuts, bruising or other damage or blemishes.
    • 4
      You may have trouble finding a soft avocado at the store. Don't fret if this happens. Simply find one that is not mushy and lacks blemishes. When you get home, put it in a paper bag on the counter until it feels soft. Then eat or refrigerate or up to a day or two.
    • 5
      Once you cut an avocado the flesh will start to turn black similar to the way an apple turns brown when exposed to air. If you need to set in down for a bit before finishing, rub with a little lime or lemon juice to prevent color change.

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How to Run Report for All Cartons in Iron Mountain Retention IMconnect

If you are an Iron Mountain retention customer it is possible for you to run your own report showing all of your retained cartons.  You run this report via IMconnect. It is a handy report for displaying all of your inventoried files and cartons at Iron Mountain's secure facility
Like most things "Iron Mountain", you'll need to go through a series of steps to process your file / carton inventory accurately and securely.  You will also need to have an IMconnect login, which can be set up by your account representative.

I am an occasional customer of Iron Mountain and have no affiliation with that company.  I don't endorse Iron Mountain at all but I am a customer trying to help other customers who may have struggled with this process as I did.  

Step 1
Log in to IM connect

Step 2
Go to the HOME page.  Look to the middle of the page called the REPORT CENTER

Step 3
In the middle of the page where it says REPORT CENTER, look under REQUEST A REPORT.

Step 4

Below REQUEST A REPORT you'll see 3 drop down boxes:

In SELECT A REPORT CATEGORY choose INVENTORY  (do not choose 'retention' like I did :-)



Step 5

Then click CONTINUE
Step 6

A new window will appear. In the drop down box select your customer number.
Step 7

Then, below that, you are somewhat on your own.  You'll need to determine your sort criteria.  Try it and see how it goes.  I usually select the one that shows the most detail but you might have something else in mind.
Step 8

Beneath the sort criteria is your REPORT FORMAT.  I'm not sure the difference between all of the formats but I do know that if I choose CSV, when my report is created this format allows me to manipulate the data in an Excel file, which I find very handy.

Step 9
Then click SUBMIT.  It will take about 3 hours or less for the report to generate.  If your IMconnect is set up like mine, you'll get an email notification

That's it!  Hope that helps! Please read these other posts by TurtleDog:

How to Check Your Iron Mountain Shredding Schedule From Your Computer

How to Update Retained Document Information on IMconnect

How to Securely Lock a Windows PC Computer to Protect Your Info


How to Find a Great Restaurant on Google

Locate good restaurants using Google Search

Have you ever struggled to find a new place to eat in a specific area? Maybe you can't find a good restaurant in your area or perhaps in an area where your date or friends live? Read on to find a great restaurant on Google



    • 1
      This is a real easy way to find a restaurant on Google. This search is great for finding a new place in a specific area....
    • 2
      First, determine the area where you want to eat....
    • 3
      Then determine what the zip code of the area is....
    • 4
      If you don't know the zip code just do an internet search by typing in that area and 'zip code'. A zip code should appear....
    • 5
      Log onto
    • 6
      In the Google search block type in the type of restaurant (ie, Italian, Chinese, etc) Followed by the word 'food' and the zip code of the area where you want to eat...
    • 7
      For example if you type Italian Food 19401
    • 8
      Then hit the search button....
    • 9
      You'll get plenty of restaurants, a map to those restaurants, links to those restaurants, even reviews of those restaurants.
    • 10
      This is a real easy way to plan an evening out just by typing a few words on Google
    • 11
      Thanks for reading my How to Find a Great Restaurant on Google article. I appreciate it!!

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How to Delete or Remove Cookies on Mozilla Privacy Settings

Get rid of cookies using Mozilla

How to Delete or Remove Cookies on Mozilla Privacy Settingsthumbnail
Delete or Remove Cookies on Mozilla Privacy Settings

Deleting cookies through your Mozilla web browser is pretty easy, though there is one step you'll notice that is a little tricky (step 4). Read on to Delete or Remove Cookies on Mozilla Privacy Settings



    • 1
      Open Mozilla. Go to and select TOOLS at the top of the PC screen
    • 2
      In the drop down box that appears on your computer screen, select OPTIONS
    • 3
      Then select the PRIVACY tab at the top of the window that just appeared on your PC monitor.
    • 4
      Look in the middle of the window on your PC screen. Click CLEAR RECENT YOUR HISTORY link. Look closely for this. It doesn't stand out very well but it's there.
    • 5
      A column of boxes with check marks will appear on your computer screen. Select only the one that reads COOKIES
    • 6
      Then choose CLEAR now. All cookies will be removed. I hope that helps! Thanks for reading my How To Delete or Remove Cookies on Mozilla Privacy Settings article

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How to Automatically Insert Current Time on Microsoft Word Easy

Automatically Insert Current Time on Word Easy

Hi! You don't have to constantly remember to change the Time on your word documents you use repeatedly (such as form letters, business forms etc). You can simply have Microsoft Word auto fill the time for you right on your computer! Read on to learn How to Automatically Insert Current Time on Word easy
The First part of this article will explain this process for those of you using Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010.  The second part will explain for earlier versions of Word.
For Word 2007 and 2010

Go ahead and open up MS Word and open the document that needs the time auto-updated.
  • 2
    Find the area on the document where you want to show the time and click on that area.

  • 3
    In the upper left areaof your PC screen there is an INSERT tab. Click on it

  • 4

  • In the area that appears below the insert tab look for the DATE AND TIME icon. On my Word 2010 it actually says "Date and Time" on 2007 it just shows a tiny calendar icon with a really small clock on it.  It looks like the picture below. Click on it.

  • 5
    Inside the DATE AND TIME window that appears you'll see a section to the left called AVAILABLE FORMATS. Click the time format you prefer

  • 6
    Supposedly ou can show the date and time in whatever language you want. If you need to change the language click the LANGUAGE drop down box in the upper right. I admit, mine only has the "English" option.

  • 7
    SUPER, SUPER IMPORTANT. Look to the botton of this window near toward the right. Be sure that the AUTOMATIC UPDATES check box is 'checked' .  If it is not checked, your time will not update automatically, which defeats the whole purpose of this post.

  • 8
    Click OK and now your time will update for you each time you open this MS Word 2007 or 2010 document

  •  If You Are Using Versions Earlier Than MS Word 2007
      • 1
        OK, let's automatically insert the current time in versions earlier than 2007 ! Start up Microsoft Word on your computer and open your preferred Word document so that it shows on your computer monitor screen
      • 2
        Click anywhere on your Microsoft word document where you want to insert the current time
      • 3
        At the upper left of your PC screen, click on INSERT
      • 4
        In the drop down box that appears, choose DATE AND TIME
      • 5
        There's a drop box to the left that appears on your computer monitor called AVAILABLE FORMATS. Click the time format you prefer
      • 6
        You also have the option of choosing a language to display it in on the right side of the drop down box.
      • 7
        This is VERY IMPORTANT. Look to the lower right of the drop down box. Be sure that the AUTOMATIC UPDATES check box is 'checked' . This will allow word to auto fill the current time as a field for you each time you open the document.
      • 8
        Click OK and you are all set! Don't forget to save the document as well.
      • 9


    How to Replace Lost Pennsylvania PA Driver's Registration License Plate Sticker Fast

    Get new PA plate stickers same day

    Hi! This method will get you a new sticker the same day! I learned this the hard way :-) My registration card was updated just fine, but my license plate sticker was gone. I needed a replacement! Read on to Learn How To Replace Lost Pennsylvania PA Driver's Registration License Plate Sticker Fast



      • 1
        Go to any authorized PA auto tag store.
      • 2
        Be sure to bring your current registration card and driver's license.
      • 3
        Present to the clerk at the store and they'll check your info right there on a computer to verify it is OK to give you an new replacement registration license plate sticker
      • 4
        Once OK'd, they'll fill out an MV-44 form with all of your information. It would not surprise me if they asked you to fill out the form for them yourself (all of the info needed is right on your registration card). In my case though, they did it for me.
      • 5
        Then sign the form.
      • 6
        They'll give you a new license plate sticker right there. The cost for me at the time of this article was about $23.
      • 7
        They'll also give you a copy of your driver's registration card (included with the price) whether you need one or not. They told me if I had actually LOST the registration card, it would have cost more. But since I had mine OK, they gave me a duplicate to store as back up.
      • 8
        That's it! Thanks for reading my How To Replace Lost Pennsylvania PA Driver's Registration License Plate Sticker Fast

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    How to Lock a Personal Laptop Desktop Windows Computer Fast

    Secure your laptop or desk top computer so no one else can type on it.

    How to Lock a Personal Laptop Desktop Windows Computer Fastthumbnail
    Lock a Personal Laptop Desktop Windows Computer Fast
    You can never be too careful these days with the security of your personal laptop or desktop computer. Even if you just walk away for a minute, be sure to lock it. Read on to learn how to Lock a Personal Laptop Desktop Windows Computer Fast



      • 1
        Save your work. Understand that locking your computer will not erase your work. That said, anytime you leave your computer it is a good idea to save your work in the event it crashes, loses power, etc.
      • 2
        Hit the WINDOWS key on your computer and the letter "L" key at the same time. The WINDOWS key is the key just to the left of your left ALT button and just to the right of your RIGHT alt button
      • 3
        A window will appear on your computer screen stating "The Computer is in use and has been locked". At this point, no one can access your PC
      • 4
        To unlock, press the CTRL and ALT and DELETE key at the same time
      • 5
        An "Unlock Computer" window will appear
      • 6
        Type in your name and password
      • 7
        Click the OK button and your personal laptop or desktop computer will unlock

        Check Out More Articles By TurtleDog

        Get MS Word To Put Date on Your Documents For You Easy

    How to Sew Dungaree / Blue Jean Pants Pocket Lazily Easily

    How to Sew Dungaree / Blue Jean Pants Pocket Lazily Easilythumbnail
    Sew Dungaree / Blue Jean Pants Pocket Lazily Easily

    Hi! I am definitely not a talented tailor by any means so when I sewed a hole in my pants pocket I thought I'd fail miserably since I don't know how to sew. Low and behold though the pocket has remained soundly repaired. If I can do it, you can too. Read on to learn how to Sew Dungaree / Blue Jean Pants Pocket Lazily Easily

    Moderately Easy


      • 1
        As mentioned above, I'm no pro at this. There's probably better articles, but this method worked so if the shoe fits, wear it, so to speak....
        First step, pull the pocket out of your pants and find the hole as shown in picture above.
      • 2
        Find a needle and thread it.
      • 3
        After you thread the needle, you'll need to tie a knot in the end of the thread. To do this simply wrap the end of the thread around the end of your finger.
      • 4
        After you've looped around your finger a few times, slid off your finger as shown. The action of sliding those loops off of your finger causes the loops to tangle in a way that when you pull them tight...
      • 5
        ... it creates a knot as shown
      • 6
        Now you are ready to start sewing your pants. Starting at one end of the tear, press the needle through the fabric beneath the tear in your pants pocket.
      • 7
        Pull the needle all the way through, then turn the needle around and press it through again in the opposite direction. Try to get your needle though the fabric as close as possible to the first stitch you made. Continue to do this along the length of fabric beneath the tear in your blue jeans / pants pocket.
      • 8
        When you get to the opposite end of the tear, the tear in your blue jeans / pants pocket should be completely stitched shut.
      • 9
        Now you'll want to tie off your thread so that you don't have a loose thread hanging off the end of the stitch. This is easy. When you do your last stitch, you'll notice before you pull it tight a loop is created. Simply stick your needle through the loop and then pull it tight.
      • 10
        Then cut off the excess thread and you've got yourself a mended Dungaree / Blue Jean Pants Pocket
      • 11
        Thanks for reading my how to Sew Dungaree / Blue Jean Pants Pocket article.


    How to Add a Fax Number to Your Phone Book in Right Fax 6.0 Fast Easy

    Adding contact information to RightFax address book.

    How to Add a Fax Number to Your Phone Book in Right Fax 6.0 Fast Easythumbnail
    Add a Fax Number to Your Phone Book in Right Fax 6.0 Fast Easy
    There are a number of ways to do this. I'll focus on the method I most use which involves adding a fax number to your phone book as you are about to send a fax. I won't elaborate on all the bells and whistles to this fax address method since I want to give you the fastest method possible to get you started. Read on to learn How to Add a Fax Number to Your Phone Book in Right Fax 6.0 Fast Easy



      • 1
        Open the document on your computer that you want to fa
      • 2
        Open right fax as you normally would via print command
      • 3
        The Fax Information window will appear on your PC monitor screen
      • 4
        Click the NEW ENTRY button next to 'fax number' field
      • 5
        Enter the ID in the ID field. Odd as it may have to enter this. It can be any string of characters. Usually I just enter the person's first name
      • 6
        Then below that, enter the person's name, company (if applicable) and fax number(s
      • 7
        The only other feature I'll mention here is if you check on the PUBLISHED block. Only click this if you want to publish this number to all the other computers faxing from the same network (like all of the PC 's at work). Keeping it 'un'checked leaves it only on your personal phone book.
      • 8
        Then Click OK
      • 9
        Now, when you want to send a fax to this person, simply click on the PHONE BOOK button in the fax information screen (just to the right of 'name' field)
      • 10
        A window appears on your computer screen showing your phone book entries. Click on the person or person(s) you want to send to and hit OK. The phone info will be automatically filled in and you can go ahead and send you message.
      • 11
        Thanks for reading my How To Add a Fax Number to Your Phone Book in Right Fax 6.0 Fast Easy