

Enable Disable Java Applets JavaScript on Lotus Notes

Enabling or Disabling Java Applets and JavaScript on Lotus Notes in not something that a lot of us do every day.   Most Lotus Notes users, like myself, are not real familiar with Java Applets and Javascript and simply let these programs run quietly in the background.

If you ever run into a situation where you need to turn on or turn off JavaScript / Java Applets on Lotus Note you have come to the right place to teach you the basics.   I had to do this when I called PC support one time.  I honestly can not remember what it was I was trouble shooting but the IT team was able to help by letting new how to activate and deactivate these programs

Just follow these steps (works best with Lotus version 7.0.02) :

Click on "File" at the very top, left corner of your Lotus Notes screen.  

On the file menu that appears, click "Preferences"

Then select "User Preferences" in the menu that appears to the side.

Look to the top of the left hand corner window that appears and click on the "Basics"

Then look down into the field that says "Additional Options"

For turning on and off Java Applets, scroll up to "Enable Java Applets" add check mark to enable, remove check mark to disable.

For turning on and off JavaScript, scroll up to "Enable JavaScript" add check mark to enable, remove check mark to disable.

Hope that Helps!

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Don't Let This Problem Stop You On Windows

I Can't Close The About Lotus Notes Window

Someone asked you what version of Lotus Notes you are using.  You clicked on "Help" at the top of the screen and you chose  "About Notes" in the menu that appeared.

Unfortunately, you were in the middle of a couple of email drafts and now your Lotus Notes appears locked up.  The About Lotus Notes window, that window that tells you what version of Lotus you are using will not go away.  Your entire email program is frozen and the window will not leave your PC screen.

How to you get that window to close?  Do you need to close Lotus on the task manager? Do you need to hard reboot your PC computer?

No!  Don't do any of that.  For some reason,  the "about" or "version" window does not close by more conventional means of close box or click on something else.  What you need to do is press the escape button <ESC> on your computer keyboard and this block will go away.

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What Happens When I Click Maybe On Match ? Answered Here

Match . com will offer up daily matches for members to review and see if they are interested.  The subscriber will review each of the daily matches one by one and in response to the 'Are You Interested " questions will click either 'yes', 'maybe' or 'no' (ie 'Yes I'm interested', 'Maybe I'm interested', and 'No, I'm not interested')

Some people ask what happens when I click ' maybe ' on Match?  This is a good question since a lot of members already know that if you click 'yes' (you are interested) for a particular member, that member is notified that he or she has caught your attention.   There is some trepidation that a 'maybe' response sends a message to that member indicating that you are only 'maybe' interested in them.  For some, including me, this would be an awkward, stilted, arrogant and somewhat insulting message to send to someone.

So When I Click The Maybe Button, does it tell the Match subscriber that I am interested?

No! It does not. No message (at least as of the time of this post) goes out telling them that you maybe have an interest in that member.

I hope that helps!

Please Check Out Some of My Other TurtleDog Posts on TurtleDogs Blog

When is Does My Match Membership Renew? Where is My Account Status - Learn Here


Black Particle Pieces on Office Floor Rug Mat - Need Wheels For Chair

For weeks I notice that the rug on my office floor and the chair mat that protects the rug was getting littered with these mysterious little black pieces.   These little black marks are pliable, soft, and light.  Every day they would appear on the floor and then by morning they would disappear.

The disappeared each night because the maintenance team would vacuum my floor and they'd be gone.  It wasn't until the janitor asked me, "Hey, what are those little things

What Are These Small Black Particles on the Ground ?

We'll, it turns out they pieces off the caster wheels on my chair.  I really like the chair I have in my office and it was pretty expensive so I have decided to keep using this chair until it is not longer comfortable or until it simply won't work anymore.  I have had the chair for years. The chair has held up great but the caster wheels over time, just like tires on a car, must have simply worn out.

Are All The Office Chair Wheels Shedding Tread?

Actually no, some are in good shape but two wheels are shedding little black pieces. One is real bad.

Is it Time to Buy a New Office Chair?

No. The office chair is in great shape.  If your chair is in good shape don't by a new office chair, just get new wheels for your chair.  Chair wheels are referred to as "caster" wheels. Casters can differ in quality and size but they all allow you chair to roll in any direction.

Where Can I Buy New Caster Wheels for My Office Chair

Just about any office supply store will carry casters or they can get them for you.

What Do I Need to Know Before Ordering Casters?  Can I Install Them Myself

Casters are pretty easy to replace.  I wrote an article on this topic and linked it below. Check it out.

How To Choose, Buy and Install Office Chair Casters Easy and Quick - Click Here


What to Take When I Have Sporting Goods Store Put Fishing Line on My Spinning Reel

 Having the sporting goods store put fishing line on your reel is an easy and often cheap way to put line on fast.

When the store puts new line on your reel for you, they can do it real fast with motorized equipment that put the line on your reel quickly and evenly.  

There are certain tips and things to remember when you take your reel to the store so they can put line on it.  Keep this in mind:

-Don't take your rod.   The store won't need it to put line on your reel. They just need the spool from the reel.

-Don't bother to take off the old line.  The store will remove old line from the reel spool as part of the cost for putting new line on.  You can take the line off but it will take you a little longer and old line is a mess.  Let the store do it.

-You don't need the whole reel for the store to put fishing line on. You just need the spool.

Steps to Just Take the Spool Part of Spinning Reel Off The Rod

Step 1 -  Look at the top of the spool. There is a screw you can grab between thumb and forefinger.

Step 1 -  Look at the top of the spool. There is a screw you can grab between thumb and forefinger.
Step 2 - Turn the screw counterclockwise until it comes off. Believe it or not, it will take longer than you think to take it off.  Keep turning until the spool is completely removed.

Step 3 - Take the spool portion only to the store.  It'll be small and easy for you to carry instead of that bulky reel.
Good luck. I hope that helps to let you know what the store will need when you take your reel to get spooled with new line.

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Blackberry ShortCut Keys That Allows You to View Calendar Appointments / Meetings

Whether you are using a blackberry or a smartphone or a PC or Mac or an iPad or whatever, you want to navigate quickly and easily.  I think this is especially true on the blackberry. Blackberries are often used on-the-go and you want to get through the commands quick and fluently.  
This article will show you the short cut keys for calendar events.
Keep in mind that shortcut keys do not work unless you have the  "Enable Quick Entry" in Calendar Options set to “No.”
Once Enable Quick entry is set to no you can also use the following shortcut keys while in your Blackberry calendar:

"C" creates a new appointment in detailed mode.
"T" send you to today staying in current view.
"G" goes to a specific date.
"D" sets your blackberry calendar to day view.
"W" goes to week view.
"M" puts it  into month view.
"A" is for the agenda view.
That is about for calendar short cuts for now.  Thanks for reading.

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Use That BlackBerry Trackball to View Appointments Fast

View Blackberry Day Week Month Appointments Easy Fast With Trackball

Blackberry users always seem to be people on the go.  Multitasking, constant movement.  Blackberry users seems to be the travelling corporate type trying to complete a lot of goals in a little time.  

Getting things done quick, easy and fast on a Blackberry is of the essence.  Blackberries can be tough to navigate especially when you are on the run, so be sure to get done what you can in the easiest possible manner.

You can navigate your Blackberry calendar quickly and easily by following just a few steps. This article will help you to better view appointment times and stay organized.

Get yourself into the blackberry calendar first.

Then click your trackball. Once you do this you'll be able to select from a number a options or views I should say.
If you choose "View Day" you'll see summary for the day, showing appointments organized by their times.
If you select "View Week" you will see seven-day summary that shows each appointment by their times.
Choosing "View Month" tells your Blackberry to show every day of month with appointments organized by the day.
Lastly, the "View Agenda" command will list your upcoming appointments in detail view.
I hope that helps ! 
Learn Great Blackberry Calendar Planner Shortcut Keys


Where is Love Park In PA - What is It Like to Visit ?

Where is Love Park - What is It Like to Visit


Love Park is located on 15th and 16th and JFK  Boulevard (aka  Arch Street) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  It is right next to Suburban train station not far from City Hall ( you can see City Hall from the park)

Why is It Called Love Park?

Because of the "Love" Sculpture / Statue located on the southeast corner of the park. It was created by Robert Indiana.  The design is not completely unique and Indiana's similar work is found in other cities.  It is a popular photo-op spot.

Visiting Love Park - What to Expect:

Love Park takes up one city block. It sits right on top of a parking garage so parking is convenient.

There is a pretty nice, large water fountain that sprays water into the air I'd guess 30 feet or so. In front of the fountain is the Love statue.

The Fairmount park visitor center is located on the park grounds as well.

The park used to be famous for the amount of skateboarders it drew.  In a somewhat minor-controversial decision, skateboarding was banned in the park but every so often skateboarders and freestyle bicyclists can be found there.

I find there to be a fairly large amount of homeless people that line the south side of the park as well as some within the park.

The Pros of Love Park:

Love Park is free and easy to get to. Parking is easy (but not free)

The Love Statue is a fine place to get a picture of yourself and that someone special.  There is no cost and photographs are allowed (bring your own camera).

The statue and the fountain are nice to look.

The Cons of Love Park:

There is not much to do in Love park other than sit for a minute and look at the scenery.

Some people may find it a little seedy at times. The park clientele doesn't bother me. I've never had a problem with the homeless but some visitors might find the amount of homeless a little unnerving. The occasional skateboarder on the scene will be the dark clothed, tattooed type, but I've never had problems that the skater's either.  I kind of miss them being around.

Getting a photo-op in front of the statue can take a while. There is usually a line of people waiting to take a picture and you'll have to wait your turn. This isn't really a bad thing.  It shows the popularity of Love Park as well as the romantic side.  You will be in line a few minutes though.

To Sum Up:

Check out Love Park but don't plan your day on it.  Be sure to get a photo of the statue.

 If you haven't been to Philadelphia before, when you get done at the park be sure to check out the local sites.  The most popular downtown attractions will be south and east of the park. Shopping, bars, art, historical attractions etc.  That's not to say there are not cool things north and west.


There is (or was) a Giant Macaroni U Shaped Noodle in Love Park - What The Heck Is That?!

Fast, Fun and Great Things to Do in One Day In Philadelphia

What is That Big Macaroni Noodle in Love Park Philadelphia

There is a giant macaroni noodle in Love Park in Philadelphia.  At first I thought it was another work of art by Clause Oldenberg.  You've likely seen Oldenberg's work if you have walked around center city Philadelphia enough. Oldenberg is the creator of the giant clothespin near city hall's subway entrance. He old made the big "Torch" up the street on Broad near the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts.

Seems to make sense that Clause Oldenberg would have made this big, curved macaroni noodle too as well, right? Wrong.

Actually, this big noodle was installed by Kraft, the noodle company.  Kraft gave money the Fairmount Park commission to offset costs this year and got to place this noodle there in return.

I have to say, it isn't the worst art-turned advertisement (or vice versa) I have ever seen. I'll estimate it is about 12 feet long and 5 feet high (maybe six as it is on a platform) The shape and position of the noodle makes it look like a big smile and has the words "You Know You Love It" printed across.

Like the Love Sculpture in Love Park, this noodle is fun and positive (even if it is just an ad).  It fits in well, though I do think it crowds Robert Indiana's  "Love" sculpture a bit.

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How to Move File Folder to My Documents Above Start Button

On Windows PC computers there is a "My Documents" folder that is located just above the "Start" button. When you click on the Start button the Start Menu pops up and your can find the My Documents folder in the upper right hand corner of this menu.

I recently noticed that the folder where I actually store my documents on my hard drive could not be accessed by clicking on the "My Documents" in the start menu.  It took me a minute to figure out and I was able to set up my PC so that every time I clicked on "My Documents" in the Start Menu I was immediately sent to the file I need.

Please read on to learn  How to Move File Folder to My Documents Above Start Menu

Step 1

Find the folder that you want to pin to "My Documents"

Step 2

Right click on that folder

Step 3

In the box / window that appears, position your cursor over "Send to"

Step  4

In the box / window that appears select "My Documents"

Step 5

In the upper left corner of your PC screen you'll see the file transfer begin.  This can take anywhere from a few minutes to much longer. My file transfer took about 15 minutes.  Once that completes, you can then go to Start-My Documents and then you'll see your folder

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What Is a CVV2 Number - Find On Credit Card?

I'm sure that non- user friendly credit card terms drive you crazy.  I mean, who in their right mind wants to look up the meaning of every word related to credit cards, credit card terms and conditions, interest rates, penalties, late fees, etc.

So, recently when buying something with my credit card on line I was asked for my CVV2 number.  What the heck is a CVV2 number anyway?

Well, it turns out it is that little three digit security code on the back of your card.  Why didn't they just say "the three digit security code on the back of your card" ?  You got me. Regardless, it means the same thing.

Anyway, next time someone asks you for the CVV2 number, that is what it is. You find it right on the back of your card.

CVV by the way means "Card Verification Value"  Makes sense right? Not.  LOL

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Why Coupons Might Be Better to Buy Than Unwanted Gift Cards Online

There are some ways of saving money by spending money.  Two ways are:

1. Buy Unwanted Gift Cards or a Gift Card at discount on line

2. Buy Coupons on line

If you buy a gift card at discount online you are buying the value of that card.  Your motivation is to buy a gift card for less than what the value is. If you buy a $100 gift card for $95, you will save $5 when you spend the whole card.  You typically will need to do this on sites like Ebay where people are selling unwanted gift cards for less than what they are worth.  They want the cash, you want the value of the card.

If you buy a coupon online, you are paying for the discount you get on the coupon.  If you spend $.50 on a $10 coupon, you'll wind up saving $9.50 on the product you bought the coupon for.

Why Buy Coupons?  

Why? You buy a coupon when you, 1) know you are going to make a purchase in near future 2) you have no coupons available to you at home for this purchase 3) you see the coupon on line and wish to buy it, knowing that you will save more money than if you did not have it.

Which is Better.... A Coupon or Gift Certificate

It really depends but if you can buy a coupon that has the same value as the gift certificate, you are better off buying the coupon for one good reason..... the coupon is typically cheaper. Way cheaper.

I've seen $100 gift certificates sell for $80.   I've seen 20% off coupons sell for less than a dollar.   With the $100 gift certificate you buy on Ebay for $80, you save 20% ($100 - $80 = $20 or 20% discount)  when you spend the entire $100 on the card. The card.   If you buy a 20% off coupon for $1, all things being equal, you can get the same $20 off $100 for only $1. 

 If you never use the coupon or lose it, you are only out $1.  If you never use the gift card or lose it, you are out $80.

Not that it is always possible to find coupons that discount the same products as gift cards.  Often coupons have pesky disclaimers that gift cards do not.  For the most part, gift cards can be treated as cash .  They can also be sold as cash too (that's another story)

Coupons are discounts but come with lots of rules. They are not cash.

In essence, all things being equal, you can get a greater discount, with less cash outlay on a coupon than you ever would if you bought a gift certificate.


Definition of All Samsung Reality Phone Icons

I realized recently  that i really did not know what all those text message envelopes on my reality cell phone mean. Actually, I really did not know what any of the icons anywhere on the phone meant.  I went to the manual that came with my Samsung Reality phone. I was hoping there was a page that showed an image of each icon and then defined it.  No such luck!  The Samsung Reality users manual is really just a quick way to get your started and not meant to make you a true cell phone expert.

I went on line to look for some answers as to what these text message envelope icons mean.  I eventually found out that all the answers I need where hidden on my phone.

Your Samsung Reality cell phone has a glossary, sort of anyway, of all those little image icons.  It isn't real easy to find but once you do, you'll be able to tell what icons mean "message pending", what icons mean "message sending" failed, "message sent", received, opened, etc.

Just follow these steps:

Go to the Main Menu

Press "Settings and Tools"

Press " * Phone Info"   (please note: if you can not find this, you may have accidentally hit the "tools" button. For some reason I kept doing this like a dope :)

Press  "#3 Icon Glossary"

From there select the part of the phone where you were seeing the icon and it will take you to the icon glossary. For example if you are looking for a definition of an icon (like those pesky envelopes) in your text messages, press "#5 Messaging"

I hope that helps!

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How Long Do Wireless Mouse Batteries Last?

If you are concerned about purchasing a wireless mouse for fear that you will be constantly replacing batteries you do not have to worry.   Your wireless mouse batteries will not wear out often. 

I know that you are thinking that you'll use the mouse very often, literally every time you turn on your computer.  The batteries must run out fast right? After all, digital cameras and other electronic devices use up batteries so much that you eventually wind up spending more money on batteries than you did the hardware.

So do they run out quickly? Nah.

Actually, your mouse uses very little energy and the battery or batteries that you have in there is more than enough to power your mouse for a long time.

I used two AA Energizer batteries in my mouse. I clearly remember when I put these batteries in because I really wanted to track how long it would take before than ran out of energy.

The batteries lasted 11 months.  This is was on my home computer, which I use very actively every day.

Also, just so you know, your mouse won't drop dead the second your battery runs low. A pop up window will appear on your screen that reads something like, "The wireless mouse battery level is critically low. Replace the batteries now to keep the wireless moue functioning"

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URL Error On Squidoo Title Your Page - Zowee How to Fix

Are you getting a message like this on Squidoo "Zowee! URLs can only consist of letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. You enter everything after Nothing fancy now, okay? "

If you have not tried entering anything fancy on the URL it is quite possible that there is a space after the URL that Squidoo does not recognize.  In other words, there is a space typed in after the end of the web address.

To fix, follow these steps

1. Check to see if there is a space entered at the end of the URL.

2. If there is a space, delete it

3. If there is not a space AND you entered the URL via a click and paste, then 1) Delete the URL 2) Paste again and look where your cursor is. Likely there is a space between the cursor and the end of the URL. Delete this space by hitting "Delete" on your keyboard once (while the curson is to the right of the space 3) Then try to 'continue'

That's it! I hpe that helps you to stop the URL error on Squidoo's title page.


Squidoo Article Lens Module Locks Up Freezes

If you work on Squidoo long enough you are bound to have a lens module lock up or freeze on the screen while creating a new article.  Basically you'll be editing a module and you'll find that you can not enter any more text, photos or anything.  You won't even be able to get the cursor to appear in the fields when you click on the module.

This is frustrating, especially the first couple times it happened to me.  I got frustrated and felt I had to close out of Squidoo then reopen. The result was that I either lost half or more of the lens / article I already typed or I lost the whole thing completely save for maybe the title.

Instead of giving up and closing down squidoo or your browser entirely, simply open a new tab on your browser. Then open Squidoo up in that tab.  Then go to your dashboard and find your work in progress article and finish typing.  Chances are the 'old' tab you were working in will remain locked up but the new one you opened will allow you to unlock or unfreeze the article / lens and complete your work.

I hope that helps you to fix Squidoo when your module locks up / Freezes


Exporting Raymond Philip Rosenthal Documentary Review

Check out my review of the Film Exporting Raymond.  It is about the challeges Phillip Rosenthal, creator of Everyone Loves Raymond, faces when he tries to set up the same sit com, using Russian actors in Russian

Click Here to Read My Review

Rated PG

86 Minutes


Sending Back a Rented USPS Mail Postage Machine & Meter

This is a post regarding the nuances of returning a rented mail postage machine and the meter that accompanies it.

This will not apply to every situation. You might have a different plan or plans for your mailing equipment.  I recently attempted to return a piece of postage equipment for USPS mail that we rented and it took forever to process the return.  It took a long time to return the equipment for a number of reasons. One of the reasons was poor communication between our leasing "dealership" (dealership = who 'sold' us the rental) and the leasing "agent" (agent = whose name is on the lease and/or takes possession of the USPS meter. )  The other reason was simply my ignorance in realizing all of the nuances involved with sending back this equipment.

Again, this will not apply to every situation, so please do not accept my advice for any legal questions or contractual issues you might be having with your lease or rental agreement. That said, regardless of your situation, this post might help guide you through some of the nuances and give you an idea of what to expect.

To Send back rental postage mail units:

OK, you have rented a machine that applies postage automatically to your mail. There is a piece of equipment attached to your mailing machine called a 'meter.'  The meter technically does not belong to the rental company or, in the case of the lease, the company that holds the lease.  The meter is actually owned by the United States Postal Service ( USPS ).  Typically, (and I re-emphasize that your case might be different,) you will need to return the meter to a different company than where you will return the meter.   You will typically have to return the meter first before moving the postage machine itself.

To return the 'meter' you might not be able to go through the dealership you obtained the equipment from.  You, as I did in my case, might have to go directly through the leasing company that the dealership represents.  Why the dealership can't help you with this is lost on me but this is what happened. Be sure to contact your dealership to be sure of this.  In my case, I needed to sent a letter to the leasing company that the dealership represents indicating that I wish to return the existing postage meter.  The leasing company then will send you a lengthy and detailed list of instructions.  The instructions will include a return label and how to return your meter via parcel service.  

In my case the leasing company also sends "Meter Movement Report"   You fill this out completely.

Essentially, your instructions walk you through the steps of withdrawal of your postage meter; moving unused postage meter money to your funding accounts; The procedure for getting your money if you are unable to move meter money to your  account; return label(s) and instructions for returning the meter.

OK, you have followed all of the instructions and you have successfully returned the meter to the leasing company.  Once the meter is returned things might get a little confusing.  In my case I was told by my dealer to tell the leasing company that the leasing company needs to contact  my dealer (the people telling me this) that they have the meter and it is OK to pick up the mail / postage machine.  Easy right?  Wrong!  I contacted the leasing agent and they said that my dealer should be able to pick up the unit without their consent. 

As a matter of fact, the leasing agent could not give consent. Why?   The mail machine is a RENTAL not a lease. The leasing agent does not have title to the machine anyway. The dealer owns the rental.  This is important to remember.  If you were in fact leasing the unit and returning it, this  would be a different story but since you are renting it, the machine really belongs to dealership.  Regardless of who I spoke to, leasing agent or dealership, no one could grasp that the machine was a RENTAL and not a LEASE.  The fact it was a rental made the process a bit unusual and difficult to process in the bureaucracy of mail equipment rental and leasing agents.

In essence, if your dealership is giving you a hard time about the return, remind them it is a rental.  If you are in fact leasing, again, this would be a different story but since we are just talking rental here, your dealership can pick up the machine with your consent as long as the leasing agent has successfully received the United States Postage Meter.


What Kind of Sunglasses Does U2 Singer Bono Wear

 The singer from U2, Bono, Certainly loves to wear his sunglasses but I never realized what kind of sunglasses he wears or why in fact he wears sunglasses at all.

Lots of rock stars wear sunglasses for a number of reasons. Some rockers like the rock star image that sunglasses project. Other band members like sunglasses because of the glare on the stage.

Bono wears his sunglasses for a surprising reason. It is more medical than comfort or image driven.  U2's Bono also enjoys wearing a certain type of sunglass.

I linked an article below that delves into the topic of why Bono wears sunglasses. The article also talks about the specific brand of sunglasses the U2 front man likes to wearn.

What Kind of Sunglass Does Bono From U2 Wear
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Pedestrian Street Crosswalk Red Light Button - Do They Work

Pedestrian Street Crosswalk Red Light Button - Do They Work

Do those buttons you push on street lights really turn the signal from red to green?  Is that button a fake? I can not remember ever pushing the crosswalk button and the light changes immediately or even within a few seconds.  Not that I expect the signal to instantly stop all the on coming traffic solely to allow me to cross the street. Not at all.  I'm really not all that important.

That said, there is something to be said about the things we take for granted as real or just something to make us feel like we are in control.  Is that pedestrian button just there for my amusement or do they really work?

I found an article that delves into that very subject.  I thought is was pretty interesting as it addresses other things as well that may or may not work.  The author of the attached article below refers to "placebo" quite often when taking about things we take for granted as real, but really just serve to make us feel in control, when we really are not.

In short, he answer on whether pedestrian street crosswalk red light buttons really work comes down to location.  Some are set up to make the signal change green and others are disconnected so that you will not get the green light.  Check out the article posted below for more details. Pretty interesting stuff.

Street Light Buttons Real Or Not?

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Get New Tab to Right of Current like Mozilla on IE 8

One Internet question I get often but can not seem to answer for everyone, including myself, is why won't Internet Explorer allow me to open a new tab just to the right of the current tab when I click on a link. Put another way, the question is "Why can't I open a link in a new tab instead of a new window popping up on my screen.

The answer that works for some people, but not me and many others is:

Open Internet Explorer

Click Tools at top of your computer screen

Select Internet Options at bottom of drop down window that appears beneath tools

"General" Tab

"Settings" button ... there are three (3) settings buttons. Choose the one at the bottom in the "Tabs" section.

From here, it gets a little controversial.  There are a couple routes you can choose that work for some and not others. Here are two ways to go

-Under the "Open Links from Other Program" you can choose the radio button "A new tab in current window" This is the most logical choice and, paradoxically, seems to be the one that works the least for most people. It seems to work for some but not others.

-Another option, that works for many more people, just not everyone, including me :-) is less logical, but seemingly way more effective..... under "When Pop Up Is Encountered" click the radio button "Always Open Pop Up In New Window"

Guaranteed Fix:

Lot's of folks have had great success with the above info but unfortunately many have not.   It is kind of weird. The GUARANTEED WAY to open a new tab and not have a new window pop up is to 1) simply right click on the link you want to open and 2) Select Open a New Tab in the options that appear
Pain in the butt.  If you have a fix to this issue, let me know in comments below and I'll be glad to update this post. Until then, I'll use the right click method or simply just use Mozilla where the tabbed browsing automatically allows a new tab to appear to the right of the current tab.

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Letter Count - Counting Letters and Words on MS Word .

There is a letter-count and word-count on Microsoft word that will, of course,  count the amount of letters and words that you type on your document.  Doing the word count is easier to than the letter count but only by one step.

Probably the hardest part of getting the number of letters and words on a word document is because it isn't a very obvious process.  Once you know how to do this, you'll remember it no problem.

Step 1

Open your Microsoft Word Document or create a new one

Step 2

Look to the bottom left of your PC screen.  Right next to where it tells you what document page you are on, you'll see "Words:"

See it?

Step 3
Right next to "Words" you'll see the amount of words that you have typed so far on this MS Word document.
OK? That should take care of the word-count.
Now for the letter-count
Step 4

To get the letter count, click on the same area where you were just looking.  Put another way, click on "Words:"
Step 5

In the window that appear on your PC screen, you'll see a number of statistics regarding your document. Here's where you find your letter count.

 "Characters (no spaces)" will, of course, tell you the amount of letters you have typed without the number of spaces included in the total.  "Characters (with spaces)" includes the spaces in the total letter count.

That should do it.  I hope that helps you to determine the amount of characters or words you have entered on your MS Word documents.

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How to Find Employer's Work Business EIN Employer Identification Number

Locate Workplace EIN Number

How to Find Employer's Work Business EIN Employer Identification Numberthumbnail
Find Employer's Work Business EIN Employer Identification Number
Whether for tax purposes or business purposes you may be required to know a businesses EIN number. Also known as the Employer Identification Number or the Federal Tax Number . It is not hard to locate . Read on to Learn How To Find Employer's Work Business EIN Employer Identification Number



    • Step 1
      First, look for your most recent paycheck from your place of employment.
    • 2
      On the stub portion that you retain for your records, it will be on there somewhere as the EIN number . Look for that. It will be a fairly long number typically with a dash after the first two digits
    • 3
      If you don't have a check, you probably have a W2 form somewhere from when you last did your taxes . Look for your W2 form. You can locate the Employer Identification number in box 8 of your W2 (at least as of 2010 it is box 8 :-)
    • 4
      If you can't locate either a check stub or W2, call your work or ask in person. This number is not a secret number. Quite the opposite. It is used to identify your workplace as a legitimate business entity. They'll give it to you.
    • 5
      That's it! Thanks for reading my How To Find Employer's Work Business EIN Employer Identification Number


What PA Pennsylvania Municipality Do I Live In?

The other day I was asked to fill out a form where I had to include both the name of the city I live in and my municipality.
 I always thought that my city and municipality were the same thing but apparently that is not always the case.  If you run into a situation where you need to identify your municipality but can't, don't worry, there is a website that will help you to find your municipality no problem.

I'll run you through the basic steps so you can locate your municipality.  This article is for those looking for a municipality in Pennsylvania ( PA ).

Step 1
Copy and paste this site URL into your web browser

(I think that is the easiest way, another way to do it is - Get Local Gov't Support - Municipal Statistics but sometimes I get 'lost' navigating this path, just plug in the above URL and you'll get there faster.)

Step 2
When this page comes up, look to the left of your screen.  There is a link called "Find Your Municipality"    Go ahead and click this link

Step 3
Fill in your address in the blanks provided.  Then click the "Find Municipality" button.  Your pop-up blocker will probably show up.

Step 4
If you get the pop up warning at the top of the screen, go ahead and allow pop ups.  I hit the temporarily allow pop-ups but I'll leave that choice to you.

Step 5
Your municipality will show up along with your school district. Municipality on the left, school district on the right.

I hope that helps you to locate the municipal information you want.  I like that website because it also provides you with your school district (PSD) code, school district ( PSD ) name and you can also review your local  / municipal tax rates. 

 Pretty handy and easy to use.

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How to Make a Lotus Notes Email Turn into an Adobe PDF Attachment Easy

Save a Lotus Note Mail into Adobe File

How to Make a Lotus Notes Email Turn into an Adobe PDF Attachment Easythumbnail
Make a Lotus Notes Email Turn into an Adobe PDF Attachment Easy

This is helpful for those of you working through the old lotus notes server at work. It may seem redundant to turn an email into a file on your computer , then sent the file as an attachment from one email account to another . Sometimes though it is practical. Especially when you want to group a bunch of emails (as attachments ) onto the same email without copying an pasting or without relying on all of them being part of the same email chain. Please read on to learn how to Make a Lotus Notes Email Turn into an Adobe PDF Attachment Easy



    • 1
      OK, lets start making and emailing attachments. Open your Lotus Notes on your computer
    • 2
      Open either your inbox, sent, drafts ,etc and open the Lotus email that you want to make into an Adobe attachment.
    • 3
      Go to the top of your computer monitor and click FILE
    • 4
      Then click PRINT in the drop down box that appears beneath file at the top your PC screen
    • 5
      Next to the box titled NAME, click the drop down arrow
    • 6
      Your printer options will appear. One of the 'non' printer options on your PC monitor will read ADOBE PDF. Click ADOBE PDF
    • 7
      Then click OK
    • 8
      From here, you'll be asked to name the file. Go ahead and name it whatever you like in the box that appears
    • 9
      Select the file / location you want to save this Adobe PDF attachment in.
    • 10
      That should do it! Thanks for reading my How To Make a Lotus Notes Email Turn into an Adobe PDF Attachment Easy . Now get out there and begin to create and email attachments !

How to Get an Aerial View of Your House

How to get a photo from the sky of your home.

Hi! Have you ever wanted to see an Aerial view of your neighborhood or house? Do you lack the pilots license necessary to experience these views? Never fear you can simply look at it on the internet. This is easy. Read on to learn how to Get an Aerial View of Your House .



things you'll need:

  • Internet connection
    • Step 1
      It's amazing all the stuff you can find on the internet. Even a picture of the roof of your home! Pretty simple too...
    • Step
      First connect to the internet and go to
    • Step 3
      In the Google web browser type in your complete address followed by the word "map" (don't use quotes though :-). For example (not a real address but just a 'for instance' ): 123 Blogger Avenue, Blogspot, PA 19104 map
    • Step 4
      A map will appear at the top of the search with your address linked right next to the map. Click on the address link.....
    • Step 5
      An expanded map will appear. Now for the cool part, at the top of the map click on the second button from the right called "Satellite"
    • Step 6
      Give it a second and a pretty decent photo of your neighborhood will appear. There will also be an arrow pointing at your address.
    • Step 7
      On the left side of the map you can control how far in or out you can zoom. If you zoom as far in as possible, you'll have a real good aerial view of your home and surrounding land.
    • Step
      Sometimes you might have to pan the map left or right (simply do this by dragging the map with your cursor) to position the view directly over your home, but this is unusual. Typically the aerial view of your house will be just about dead center of the map.

      Thanks for reading!


How to Convert Decimeter dm to Centimeter cm

How to Convert Decimeter dm to Centimeter cm

Decimeter dm and centimeter cm are both units of length. Both are part of the metric system. Converting from one to the other is fairly easy. Please read on to learn how to convert Convert Decimeter dm to Centimeter cm



    • 1
      First, before we calculate , let's put this conversion into perspective. Understand that a decimeter is longer than a centimeter.
    • 2
      Begin the calculation by determining how many decimeters dm you want to convert to centimeters cm. For the sake of this article, let's presume you want to convert 1 decimeter into centimeters.
    • 3
      Then, take 1 decimeter and multiply it by 10. You do this because a decimeter is 10 times longer than a centimeter.
    • 4
      1 decimeter x 10 equals 10 Centimeters. The formula will always look like this. Decimeter (DM) x 10 = Centimeter (CM)
    • 5
      I hope that helps. Basically always multiply dm x 10. Thanks for reading my how to Convert Decimeter dm to Centimeter cm